I can be happy as a lark and then I get home and someone does something and I want to strangle all of them. There are only 2 people in my house that can snap me out of that state. Axl who thinks I'm just flipping out about nothing and Ht who just yells at me until I laugh at him. I don't know how to portray my feelings to my family without them thinking I'm just being stupid about everything. I get so angry over little things like when Axl comes home I barely get acknowledged by him because he has to check his "stuff." Pockets doesn't listen worth a crap to anything I say, and Grams barely back me & Axl up when it comes to Pockets. I've given up. I'm beginning to feel more stressed out about going home than I do about going to work. I know that at work I can walk away from the situation if I have to. I never feel like I can do that at home. I'm taken as a joke, or just hormonal. Pockets isn't a bad kid,... she is just lazy as all get out. I know what I was like when I was little. QM can tell you lots of times she told me to do something and I just didn't do it but I knew when I better get it done or I was gonna get popped for not doing what she told me to do. I'm still a procrastinator but I know when things have to be done and I do them. I don't like it but it gets done.
Is it normal to feel like you have no control over your life and to loose your patience over it?
Yes dear it is normal at times to feel like you have no control.
I think we all feel that way at some point. But most of us don't live in a house with a massive amount of extended in-laws.
And Axl not acknowledging you is just a boy thing. I don't think most men are like our Daddy. Husband does the same thing.
As far as Pockets goes, I can't help you there...you could just bag all her stuff up and hide it in your closet. ;)
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