Saturday, June 14, 2008

Call me Patrick Star

My Name is Princess & I never ever ever update my blog because I am a gigantic dork. Do not let my previous posts fool you. I am not as cool as you think I am. I sit alone in the dark in my bathrobe & watch Star Trek. I listen to polka incessantly. I eat pimentos and put the olives back in the jar. Wanna' hang out with me?

OK, so that's a complete lie. I am FarmWife. I am posting in my sisters place to help encourage her to post more. We'll see if it works. I'm not holding my breath.....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Best Friend

I know I haven't posted in forever but here goes! 
  This is what has happened in the past.... I dunno...... month. Well I'll start with tonight. My best friend in the whole world came to see me tonight! She lives in D which is REALLY far away from me and her godson! Who looks sooooo cute right now! He's sleeping and has a mohawk! He and I got our hair cut today, way long over due! Mine is supposed to look like Meg Ryan's which if it were blond and curly yes... but as of now.... not so much. But anyway! She and I and the gang went to  the tattoo parlor and she got her cartilage pierced and I got my belly button redone! Grams got a tattoo with all the names of the kids. It's really cool! It's a trinity with the names surrounding it. Ht kept us entertained. Aunt Twix, Ht and I walked to Krispy Kreme! I miss her she need to move closer so I can afford to go visit her! Well I better stop for tonight! 

Good night!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Rent Head

I'm swiftly becoming a rent head! I love Adam Pascal!!! Did I ever mention I'm married to a musician? Now if only he could sing as well as he plays. Well he does have one great undiscovered talent! He can play the guitar with his butt! Let me explain... He played at the Hard Rock Cafe and played part of a riff behind his back. Two of our good friends were with us and she announced after the set was over that she didn't know he could play with his butt. I miss little Mrs. Librarian. She is one of the sweetest people I know! She just had to go and move to the great land of Disney!
I just figured out that I can download a movie soundtrack to my ipod from a burned DVD. It won't play on my xbox or my mac but it'll give me the soundtrack. I don't understand technology! It's a good thing Axl does. Ht could probably work this better than I could. He's been playing Forza motor sports with dad for the past 2 days. Not really playing but yelling at the TV and pausing and dancing to the music. I better go and fix these boys dinner. They're STARVING!!! I'm getting a little hungry myself.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Watch the Lamb

Well to those of you read Farmwife's blog.... she's my sis and one of her blogs sent me back to my childhood. Even though she can remember things a whole lot better than I can! Oh speaking of watch the lamb,....  to QM I have Pa's Ray Boltz CD. You aren't getting it back anytime soon! I have to download it to my ipod. I can't even read the lyrics without feeling the immense need to call Pa and have him sing it to me. I have yet to act on that impulse but I feel the time may be coming sooner than later. I have to say I'm with Grandma M&M on the fact that it's not as good if Pa doesn't sing it. When I read the words to it I just about broke down and sobbed. I looked on itunes and they don't have it but they do have "Thank you" that's another one that Pa sang pretty regularly at church. That one doesn't make me cry as easily but it has been known to.  I want Ht to look back on his childhood and be thankful for the traditions even though Axl's family doesn't really have any traditions like that. They used to but certain people in the family did everything and others don't make an effort at all even to come. So I guess it's my responsibility make sure he understands how important they are.  Well I have to go introduce him to one of the most awesome shows ever!!! Fraggle Rock! I found it at Target have I mentioned that I love that store!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Can't have nothin'!

Well my vacation started off rather well but that's not how it ended. It all began warm and sunny, just beautiful outside! Ht and I washed our car. He just wanted to spray the hose, but he couldn't do it by himself. He helped me with that and tried to eat the soap off the car. I greatly discouraged that, but he figured it out on his own that soapy car just isn't a good flavor. I did get a bit of sun that week I had to go to L-burg :p and I got soapy car which didn't bother me. It was the fact it was only on 1 shoulder and to top that off it wasn't even the shoulder that I have my tattoo on!!  Nothing much happened after that until Easter! It was Ht's 1st ever Easter egg hunt! Ohhh that was very exciting and rather chilly. It got really cold, really quick, but I did hear that Farmie got snow that day. I could only wish. I'll take snow over flip-floppy weather any day! We went to Granny & Pop's in Nowhere Tn. (it's right next to hole in the wall Tn in between that and spit across Tn) Well where we live is known as the dimple of the universe! Look what Ht has to look forward to when he becomes famous. 
Well anyway back to the point! That's when everything went down hill!!! Pocket's had been sick prior to all this and get better,..... so we thought. Well she was but no-one else was. Ht and I were sick Monday and Tuesday. Then Axl got it and finally Grams has it. I bet you thought that was the worst of it! HA! Had ya fooled! I wish it was that easy, but noooo. I'm hoping God has something to show me from all this and I'm praying that I'm willing to see it! I went back to work wed. morning as planned Axl was at home with Ht even though he still wasn't feeling very well. I called home to check on them at about 11am and found out that they were on their way to the Doctors office. And that my friend is a whole 'nother blog! I have to gain my composure before I write about that. Till then have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Yeah!!! I'm on Vacation!!! I didn't think it would ever get here! I have very high hopes for my cleaning and organizing. I have a large fear that it's going to rain and be cold the entire time I'm off. I really wanna take Ht to the park sometime in between now & Friday. It's 11:30 & ht is finally sleeping so I'm calling it a night!  
    (gasp!) I can sleep in a little bit!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


You Are a Chick Rocker!
You're living proof that chicks can rock
You're inspired by Joan Jett and the Donnas
And when you rock, you rock hard
(Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!)